Nathan Mann Trainer Keynote Speaker Coach.jpeg

Training Principles

  • Interactive

  • Fun

  • Structured

  • Practical

Business Principles

  • Professional

  • Reliable

  • Value for money

  • Honest

Meet Nathan.


I'm Nathan Mann, one of Cornwall’s leading trainers.

Over the past 20 years, I have had many different job roles and had to wear many different ‘hats’ from being a Technical Lead in the British Army’s Royal Corps of Signals, managing different systems and soldiers or as a Consultant Project Manager running multi-million-pound projects for many different customers in both the public and private sectors.  Through this, I’ve gained a plethora of skills and experience which I now use to train businesses and individuals. 

To me, learning is not just about knowing something new, but it is much more.

Learning is about growing not only as an individual but also as a business, giving you and your employees more confidence, to take that next deal or opportunity, to grow in both your work and personal life.

My mission is to help you OWN staff development and create OPPORTUNITIES for your business. All of my courses are geared towards this goal.  I know the struggle of building a successful career and business whilst finding that all-important work-life balance.

My courses and training style will help you and your business command your training and development through my accumulated knowledge and experience.

I’m here to help you.

Nathan Mann