How Negotiation Works

Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
— John F. Kennedy

Why is Negotiation Important?

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Negotiation is the process of discussion and dialogue between two or more parties with a view to reaching an agreement.

Negotiation is important for both your work and personal life. Negotiating well can save you time, money and effort in all areas of life.

Here are some different reasons why it's important for you to learn how to negotiate:

1) You can get what you want

2) You can be assertive without offending the other side

3) You'll know when it's time to walk away

4) It helps you build relationships with others

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The Basic Principles of Negotiations

The negotiation process, which is the process of exchanging information, ideas and commitments between two or more people so as to reach an agreement on an issue over which they have different opinions, has four basic principles.

There are four principles of negotiation. They are the principle of concession, the principle of reciprocity, the principle of consistency, and the principle of liking.

  1. The first principle is called the Principle of Concession. This is when one side in a negotiation concedes to or gives up something in order to reach an agreement with their counterpart. 

  2. The second principle is called the Principle of Reciprocity. This is when one side in negotiation offers something in return for what they want in order to gain agreement from their counterpart. 

  3. The third principle is called the Principle of Consistency. This is when one side in a negotiation will not want to contradict themselves or their past behaviour because it would go against their beliefs or values and therefore refuse any change that would go against this belief or value. 

  4. The fourth principle is called the Principle of Liking. The principle of liking said that people are more likely to say yes if they are given an opportunity to say no. This principle is fundamental in negotiations because the person who gives the other person an option will be seen as a better option.

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Negotiation Techniques for Successful Outcomes

Negotiation is a skill that is valuable in any profession. The art of negotiation can help you get a better deal, a higher salary, or get what you want from someone else.

Here are some negotiation techniques that will help you succeed in any negotiation:

  • Ask for more than you want

  • Plan your negotiation tactics ahead of time and know the best time to use each one

  • Know your opponent's weaknesses and how to exploit them

  • Listen carefully and make sure not to interrupt the other person while they are speaking

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How To Increase Your Chances of Successful Negotiating

In conclusion, the best way to increase your chances of successful negotiating is to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

Some people are good at negotiating, while others are not that great. It is essential to know what you are good at and what you are not. Then, you can determine which skill-set will better get you what you want in the negotiation process.



The Importance of Being Assertive in the Workplace
