A Guide to Managing Your Time Using Prioritisation

Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done.
— John Cena
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Why Prioritisation is Essential to Productive Living

In this article, I will be examining the importance of prioritisation in a productive lifestyle. In this day and age, we are all faced with a vast array of tasks, obligations and commitments. We all want to be the best we can be but we also want to spend time with family, friends and doing what we enjoy.

Prioritising is essential for us to be able to get it all done and still find time for personal pursuits like hobbies or exercise.

The role of prioritisation is often overlooked when people talk about productivity but it is one of the key steps in becoming more productive. Prioritising allows us to identify what needs to get done today and focus on that rather than trying to do everything at once or giving up altogether because there are too many things on our plate.

#prioritisation #time management #productivity

How to Properly Prioritise Your Tasks for Maximum Productivity

Putting everything on the same level is not the best way to prioritise your tasks. You should focus on what you are best at and try to be efficient in it.

Here are some practical ways that you can properly prioritise your tasks for maximum productivity:

You need to know what you are good at and what you are not so good at. You should focus more on the things that you are better at, but take time out of your day to do the things that catch your eye so as not to feel too overwhelmed. The most important thing is self-awareness - knowing yourself well enough, understanding how much time or energy you have, and knowing when to take a break.

Focus on what matters most in order to procrastinate less - use tools like Microsoft To-Do or Google Calendar to help achieve this.

#task prioritisation #life prioritise #priority list

A Simple Framework For Effective Task Prioritisation

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Task prioritisation is the process of identifying the relative importance or urgency of different tasks.

It is crucial to have a system in place for prioritising tasks.

A simple framework for effective task prioritisation is the time management skills matrix. It's a four-quadrant grid that can be used to categorise your tasks by their level of urgency and importance.

I have created one to save you time.

#task priority matrix #time management skills

The Best Tips For Keeping Time Management Simple

The best way to keep time management simple is to prioritise tasks. What are the top three things you want to accomplish today? How can you complete these tasks in the most efficient way possible, so that you have more time for other things?

Next, decide how much time each task will take. It would be ideal if our day's worth of work was 8 hours long, but it's not. The best we can do is approximate - how many minutes will it take you to finish that task?

Finally, break the tasks into manageable chunks and time them out on your timer. You may find that just 20 minutes at a time is all you need for certain tasks!




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